As the IMAGINE Project advances, we are gearing up for a series of critical interventions starting this week. These interventions will be conducted in eight European countries and are aimed at improving infection prevention and control (IPC) and antibiotic stewardship (AMS) within nursing homes (as representative institution of Long-Term Care Facilities). Nursing home staff, who play a vital role in resident health, will be the focus of these interventions, which combine expert training and audits to ensure a consistent approach to combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Training and Workshops: Key to Improving Healthcare

Each target country will host two-day training intervention, focused on upskilling healthcare professionals (HCPs) in the best practices of IPC and AMS. The interventions are designed to ensure the practical application of guidelines, involving both interactive discussions and goal setting.

These workshops will review the outcomes of the first audit conducted earlier in the project, identifying areas for improvement based on expert advice and the EU AMR Guidelines. After the second audit, HCPs will reconvene to discuss further insights and future actions.

The Scope of the IMAGINE Interventions

The scale of these interventions is significant. A total of 440 healthcare professionals (HCP) across 110 nursing homes (NH) in eight countries will be involved. These interventions are not only about improving current practices but also about creating a model that can be replicated across the EU, making it a far-reaching initiative to combat infections and AMR. Also, the materials created for it, have been developed in collaboration with the participants themselves. Therefore, they directly address their needs and concerns.

The Importance of the Audit and Feedback Method
The IMAGINE Project employs the Audit Project Odense (APO) method, a well-regarded approach for assessing and improving healthcare practices. By conducting audits before and after the interventions, we ensure that the training is tailored to actual needs and that the results are measurable. These audits will also provide valuable feedback for the ongoing development of IPC and AMS measures, making this a dynamic and responsive project.
Key Dates for Interventions
The interventions are scheduled across several weeks, starting in October 2024. Here are the dates and countries where the interventions will take place:

Poland: 10–11 October
• Lithuania: 10–11 October
Hungary: 15 October
Greece: 25 October and 6 November
• Spain: 5 November and 13 November
Slovenia: 6–7 November
• Denmark: 13–14 November
Slovakia: 14–15 November and 19–20 November

With each of these interventions, we are one step closer to achieving our goal of enhancing infection control and reducing the misuse of antibiotics in long-term care facilities.
By strengthening IPC and AMS practices, we aim to mitigate the risk of antimicrobial resistance and improve the health outcomes for elderly residents across Europe.

Looking Ahead: Scaling the Impact

The IMAGINE Project is not just about short-term improvements. By using a replicable methodology and translating materials for wider EU use, we would like to participate on the lasting change in how infections are managed in nursing homes across Europe. After each intervention, feedback meetings will be held to reflect on the progress made and to guide future actions, ensuring continuous improvement.

These interventions mark an important phase in our project, and we look forward to sharing more updates as we move forward with these essential workshops.