From September 16th to 20th, 2024, the Spanish city of Valencia will host the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGMS) congress. This meeting is aimed at specialists and healthcare professionals who share an interest in this field and who will have the opportunity to improve the medical and clinical approach to geriatric diseases.
For IMAGINE partners, this activity represents an opportunity to present the project and its most notable outcomes. Additionally, they have the possibility to submit individual abstracts for symposia, oral presentations, or posters.
The call for symposia proposals is open until March 29th, and the call for abstract submissions is open until May 31st. More information can be found here.
About EuGMS
EuGMS is one of the partners of IMAGINE, and its mission is to develop geriatric medicine in Europe as an independent specialty that serves older people with age-related diseases; to support the availability of these services for all European citizens; to support the development of appropriate healthcare services for an aging population; and to promote education and continuous professional development.
EuGMS considers that the massive aging of populations has been one of the most significant achievements of the end of the second millennium. Aging has brought challenges in terms of a new order of complexity to ensure the health of aging populations. Geriatric medicine has been developed to address this challenge and has proven to be an effective and cost-effective development.